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About Me

My name is Linda Vukosa and I’m a huge cat lover!   I have loved animals all my life, however have always felt a special bond with cats.  My situation is a little different in that due to family allergies, we could never have a cat growing up in our household.  However that did not stop me from coveting every friend’s cat and all the neighbourhood strays.  Several years ago I decided the circumstances were right to get a furry family member of my own.  One of the best decisions I ever made was adopting my cat Misty Blue.   


My story is one that I’m sure many of you can relate to.  I’m also a business professional with over 25 years working in Business Operations Management in the Telecommunications, Financial and Healthcare Industries.  There came a time when I decided that my current career choice was not what was inspiring me anymore and during an employment transition, I had decided to take on a volunteer position with the Etobicoke Humane Society taking care of and loving on the shelter cats.  This is where I got my moment of clarity! 


It was such a joy to come in and bond with the cats and see how much they enjoyed the social interactions, playtimes or just the quiet cuddles.  Many of the cats that were family surrendered were so scared when they first arrived and often hid in corners, under blankets or behind the cat trees.  Anything that they could do to make themselves small and invisible.  Although all these shelter stories started out sad, to see a cat come back from such an experience and learn to be a cat again was heartwarming.  All it took was patience and love and maybe a few kitty love bites…  


My experience at the shelter enlightened me first hand to the stress a cat feels and exhibits when outside of their normal routine and environment.  With this knowledge the idea for Misty Blue Kitty Care was born!


Image of woman smiling.  Business owner Linda Vukosa.
Linda Vukosa

Owner/Kitty Consultant

About Misty Blue

Hi my name is Misty Blue and I am 7 years old!

Before, my early months are a bit of a mystery but at 8 months old I was brought to the Toronto Humane Society by a kind stranger.  It was there that my adoptive mom fell in love with me.  Yes, yes I turned on the charm but it really wasn’t hard...I mean…did you take a look at my picture?!


Now, I love to run and run and run throughout our condo the faster the better!  Now, balls with bells are my favourite kitty toy and I love to hear them roll across the floor and slam against the furniture.  Now, I love to give my mom a kitty massage and will do so for up 3 minutes staring off into space…


My unique quirks or should I say "pawesome" personality traits?  I will scratch at my food and water bowls before and after I eat.  I will even scratch at a piece of food that drops on the floor 8, 9, 10 times…alerting mom that a clean up is required!  I do not like kitty treats, wet food or any type of mom’s food however I can be bribed with a little butter…just saying.


I love that mom’s business is inspired by me and the other shelter cats especially those at the Etobicoke Humane Society.  But let’s face it…the name is Misty Blue Kitty Care so we know which kitty truly was the muse behind our motto:  

We Care As Much As You Do!
Image of my cat Misty Blue a small grey cat in her cat bed
Misty Blue
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